
FNC Montage: ‘Experts’ Predict Market Crash if Trump Wins

Rattner: ‘Trump wins you will see a market crash of historical proportions’
By Grabien Staff

RATTNER: “If the unlikely event happens and Trump wins, you will see a market crash of historic proportions.”
CUBAN: “In the event Donald wins, I have no doubt in my mind the markets tanks. If the polls look like there’s a decent chance that Donald could win, I’ll put a huge hedge on that's over 100 percent of my equity positions and my bond position as well that protects me just in case he wins.”
DRUCKENMILLER: “I’m worried about it. You know I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I'm a free trader. TPP is good for American business. I think NAFTA was good for American business. But you can’t get everything in life you want.”

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