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Former W.H. Press Secretary Sean Spicer Makes His Debut in Dancing with the Stars

‘I was Donald Trump’s first White House press secretary’


SPICER: "I was Donald Trump's first White House press secretary. There's no question my time in the White House was very tumultuous."
[clip starts]
SPICER "Hold on. At some point you report the facts. (...) You'll have to take no for an answer. (...) If the President puts Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that's a Russian connection."
[clip ends]
SPICER: "I think it gave people a very one-dimensional look at who I am as a person. It's been two years since I left the White House and I thought it was finally time to enjoy myself. I was honored to have a Tweet put out with my name, it's nice to have the leader of the free world on your side when it comes to getting votes. I'm a little nervous." 

(Via Consequenceofsound)

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