
‘Fox & Friends’ Pronounces Nikki Haley the Debate Winner After Her Clash with Ramaswamy: ‘She Ran Away with the Show’

Kilmeade: ‘For me, Nikki Haley is on the right side of this one in every sense of the word’
By Grabien Staff

(via Mediaite)

In their first takeaways from the Republican 2024 primary debate in Milwaukee, Fox & Friends determined that Nikki Haley got the better of Vivek Ramaswamy in their duel over foreign policy.

The show began on Thursday by recapping the biggest moments from Donald Trump’s rivals as they sought to have a breakout moment on the debate stage. As the co-hosts looked at how the candidates went after each other, Brian Kilmeade summarized that Haley was “ready to attack” based on her confrontation with Ramaswamy over his international posture.

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