
Fox News: Air Strikes in Iran Was ‘Limited in Nature’ According to Pentagon

‘A well-placed U.S. Military source tells and confirms to me that what appears to be Israeli strikes inside Iran have taken place’
By Grabien Staff


GRIFFIN: “Officially commenting on any of the reports of explosions that have taken place inside Iran as well as in Syria and Iraq tonight but a well-placed U.S. Military source tells and confirms to me that what appears to be Israeli strikes inside Iran have taken place but I am told that they are limited in nature. But we have heard so far from Iranian prices that there were three explosions which as Terry has explained is the location of that nuclear facility we have no information at that that was the target or that any of the new group studies were eight target tonight you could have situations where there are air defence systems that would be targeted what we know from past reporting on the situation in Iran and what it’s capabilities are is that Iran is a very limited in terms of, and we saw this on Saturday night, in terms of the number of ballistic missile launchers that they have these are bulbul launchers and they have between 10200 of those launchers.”

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