
Fox News: Dossier Author Christopher Steele Lobbied DOJ Official Bruce Ohr on Behalf of Russian Oligarch

‘It turns out that people associated with that firm were actually working to go to bat for a Russian oligarch’
By Grabien Staff


HENRY: "People associated with that opposition research firm, Fusion GPS that was hired by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC to dig up dirt on President Trump and Russia, it turns out that people associated with that firm were actually working to go to bat for a Russian oligarch. As we mentioned in the middle of all this, this, justice Department official Bruce Ohr was in close contact with British spy Christopher Steele, alleged that the president’s team was colluding with the Russians but as you noticed the new correspondence shows steel himself was lobbying Ohr to lobby to get a Visa. In February of 2016 before the election, Steele emailed a Ohr that the oligarch had gotten a Visa, it would be helpful if you can monitor it and let me know if any comparable complications arise. It’s a significant part because under questioning from a Republican senator Tom cotton earlier this year, the FBI director Christopher Wray testified he could only discuss that connection in a classified setting."

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