
Fox News: Giuliani Tells Fox News ‘Somebody Played With’ Trump-Cohen Tape

‘And he says the Trump legal team is trying to get to the bottom of it’
By Grabien Staff

PIRRO: "Breaking tonight, President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani with some explosive allegations regarding the Michael Cohen tape. Hello and welcome to 'Justice,' I’m Jeanine Pirro. Thanks for being with us tonight and thank you for once again making 'Justice' the number one rated show on all of cable news all last weekend. My opening statement in a moment, but first, Rudy Giuliani within the hour has told Fox News that experts have gone over the tape that former Trump attorney Michael Cohen allegedly made of conversations with the President and Giuliani says, quote, somebody played around, close quote, with the tape. And he says the Trump legal team is trying to get to the bottom of it. Among other things, Giuliani says he’s trying to get access to the original full recording, a prospect Giuliani concedes is slim."

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