
Fox News: Lawyer for Associate of Roger Stone Argues Mueler’s Appointment Is Unconstitutional

‘Only attorney general Jeff Sessions has the power to appoint special counsel’
By Grabien Staff


GALLAGHER: "Andrew Miller was in charge of Roger Stone’s schedule back in 2016. The subpoena you mentioned for Mueller to appear in front of a grand jury was specifically aimed at gathering information on Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange as well as the infamous hacking group Guccifer 2.0. The contempt charge leveled against him made waves at the time but his legal defense team says it’s all part of a larger plan to prove that Robert Mueller’s investigation is illegitimate and here’s why. His attorneys argued that only Attorney General Jeff Sessions has the power to appoint special counsel. Mueller was appointed by the deputy AG Rod Rosenstein. He also didn’t go through a Senate confirmation process and they argue that’s a violation of the Constitution Appointments Clause. Therefore, any subpoenas Mueller issues are invalid. In order to appeal the case they needed a contempt charge to go forward. They maintained this could have big implications, watch."

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