
Fox News: London Mayor Sadiq Khan Hires a ‘Gayness Inspector’

‘If you’ve been to London, you’ll know that’s a demanding job’
By Grabien Staff

STEYN: “By the way, the city of London has an exciting new job - gayness inspector. If you’ve been to London recently, you’ll know that’s quite a demanding job. Thanks to rising real estate prices and the growing popularity of dating apps, London has lost more than half of its gay bars in the past decade, and that in the eyes of mayor Sadiq Khan is a crisis that must be remedied. So the city has announced a certain commercial development will only be approved if the final plan includes a new gay bar. I hope they put it next to the mayor Khan’s favorite mosque, just to add to the vibrancy of diversity. To make sure this bar isn't just a normal bar, the mayor’s office will, according to the 'Guardian,' send an inspector to make sure it’s gay enough. Don’t you just hate it when you go to a gay bar and it’s just sotto voce, it's not really flamboyantly gay? Anyway, what does gay enough for Mayor Khan, London’s first Muslim mayor mean? We’re afraid to ask. And so are half imams in the East End.”

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