
Fox News: Pete Buttigieg Calls for Decriminalization of All Drugs Including Meth, Cocaine and Heroin

‘Mayor Pete releasing his bold drug plan that includes reducing sentences for other drug offenses’
By Grabien Staff


HASNIE: “Meth, coke, ecstasy, all of it. Mayor Pete releasing his bold drug plan this week, it also includes reducing sentences for other drug offenses and expunging past convictions. So how does it stack up against the other top Dems? Take a look. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, both want to legalize marijuana. Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar want to decriminalize it but want to let the states decide whether to legalize it or not. None, though, have expanded their plans to include all drugs. This is definitely a way for Buttigieg to stand out and he needs that. A national NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has him in fourth place with just nine percentage points. He’s doing a whole lot better in Iowa with the quarter of Democrat caucus goers. Former federal prosecutor Francey Hakes weighing in earlier this morning on the plan. Watch this.”

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