
Fox News: Trump Issues Statement on Attacks in Israel, Says ‘American Taxpayer Dollars Helped Fund These Attacks’

‘These Hamas attacks are a disgrace, and Israel has every right to defend itself’
By Grabien Staff


GRIFFIN: "Well, I think, first of all, Neil, I think you have to push back on some of the statements, that statement there from former President Trump. It’s an exaggeration to suggest that there is any evidence that any of the money that was released as part of that hostage deal, a lot of that money was tied up in, you know, many goods what I would say is Iran has been funding Hamas across four presidents. And so you, it goes back through the entire when I was based there back from 1999 to 2007, Iran was funding Hamas. That has not slowed or changed over the years, and it’s not one administration or the next who has, who has been able to stem the flow of that money to Hamas. What is different is the fact that usually Israel has enough intelligence and accurate predictions and they carry out a lot of strikes in the Gaza Strip to destroy factories where these rockets are being made. But I think we, right now the focus should be on supporting —"

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