
Fox News: U.S. Intelligence Shows Russia Plans for Potential Ukraine Invasion

‘The issue is, how should the U.S. respond?’
By Grabien Staff


DEPTULA: “Well, Ed, our own secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, told the Pentagon news conference last week that he’s not exactly sure what Russia’s president Putin is up to, and then he went on say that we’ll continue to call on Russia to act responsibly and be more transparent on the buildup of these forces around Ukraine. Now, that’s fine, but with respect to your second question, the issue is how should the U.S. respond. It’s not just going to be U.S., it’s also going to be our allies. And the fact of the matter is right now the administration’s mulling its options to deer the the Kremlin — deter the Kremlin including serving military advisers and new weapons to Kiev.”

(via Fox News)

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