
Fox’s Jarrett on Trump Removal Under 25th Amendment: I Wonder If They Can Even Read

‘She either misunderstands or misinterprets it’
By Grabien Staff


JARRETT: "There is no legal precedence for it. Section 4, which would be the involuntary invoking of the 25th Amendment. The people who are advocating this, I wonder if they can even read. Have they read the 25th Amendment? Sheila Jackson Lee, congresswoman, says, 'The President is ill-suited and incompetent, therefore invoking the 25th Amendment is demanded.' Well, even if he were incompetent, that’s not the legal basis for it. It has to be functional incapacity — somebody who has a stroke, somebody who has an accident or in the case of JFK, what if he had survived but was brain-damaged. That’s how it all came about. So she either misunderstands or misinterprets it, one or the other. I think she just doesn’t like this particular president. She doesn’t like his politics. The only mechanism for removal there is called the ballot box, it's an election.”

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