
Frank Figliuzzi: Domestic Threat Now Looks Like International Terrorism Threat; People Are ‘Willing To Die for a Cause’

‘People have lost their self-preservation instincts’
By Grabien Staff


FIGLIUZZI: "That if you remember back and after 9/11, we had this color coded threat level system that many people have been confusing and ultimately went away. But if we still have that in place, with regard to domestic threat, we would be moving from yellow to orange to likely threat occurring. And all of the markers are there. You referenced Trump now elevating attacks on the people prosecuting him. Judges, witnesses, this is coming. It’s already in the works, and when you look at extremist websites, chat rooms, you see the rhetoric. Particularly even against a potential witness, Mike Pence, who some corners of the dark web is targeted for being hung again, if we needed to see that again. So it’s likely more of this. And what is troubling here is the domestic threat looks really likely international terrorism threat, which means people have lost their self preservation instincts and are willing to die for a cause. A recent survey back in June showed that at least 12 million Americans are okay with violence to put Trump back into office. So, in that environment, we’ve got a real challenge up ahead."

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