
Gaetz to Bartiromo Enumerating ‘Wins’ by Republicans: ‘That’s Process’

‘None of those things are deliverables’
By Grabien Staff


BARTIROMO: "So to push now to blow up all of the wins that you all have had now seems — "
GAETZ: "Which wins? Please enumerate them."
BARTIROMO: "Okay. Well, how about the fact that he has set up a weaponization committee to investigate the the DoJ, whether they're involved in a cover-up. How about — "
GAETZ: "That’s process."
BARTIROMO:" Hold on. Hold on. How about the fact that he has set up the China select committee to keep China to account? And, of course, he has launched this inquiry into impeachment, potentially, for President Biden. Is that not what you want?"
GAETZ: "None of those things are deliverables. Those are steps in a process. Setting up a committee is an end unto itself only in Washington D.C.” 

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