
Gaetz: ‘We Have Israel Essentially on Auto-Pay ... the Administration is Pre-Authorized to Meet Any Need That Israel Could Possibly Express’

‘The United States stands with Israel’
By Grabien Staff


GAETZ: “Absolutely not. The United States stands with Israel, Israel has a right to defend itself. And there is no need expressed by Israel that the United States has not been able to meet. That’s because we have Israel essentially on auto-pay. As a consequence of legislation that was passed by Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, the administration is preauthorized to meet any need that Israel could possibly express in this particular phase of the crisis. My expectation is that we will elect speaker designate Jim Jordan as House Speaker next week, and will be prepared to move forward with resolutions of support. But those are non-binding expressions of our opinion when it comes to the movement of specific materiel and the coordination on intelligence. We are preauthorized because our relationship with Israel is that unique.”

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