
Geoff Duncan on Taped Conversation with Trump: ‘Dangerous and Pathetic,’ Emotions ‘Led By Embarrassment’

‘I think Republicans, like many other people, of Donald Trump’s past are going to regret ever being associated with him’
By Grabien Staff


DUNCAN: "It sounds dangerous and pathetic, in my opinion. In that moment, when I heard that audiotape for the first time, I had a sea of emotions, but probably led by embarrassment. Here I was, at the time, it takes you back — we had a runoff for two U.S. Senate seats that Donald Trump eventually lost for us because of this pathetic attempt. Look, like I said, we’ve got a lot of work to do, we've got a lot of medicine to take. I think Republicans, like many other people of Donald Trump’s past are going to regret ever being associated with him."

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