
George Conway on Trump’s Election Claims and Fundraising: They Were Committing Fraud

‘They just made lies saying they needed this money to challenge election fraud’
By Grabien Staff


CONWAY: "Right, and it was hundreds of millions of dollars that they couldn't have possibly used to bring 60 meritless lawsuits that were -- that were summarily thrown out of court. It's just amazing. I mean, one of the things that's -- that I always struck me about political fundraising is that you can almost say anything, and get away with it. Whereas if you are -- if you are advertising toothpaste or something, and you have people send you money for toothpaste that rots your teeth out or something like that, you'd go to jail for mail or wire fraud. I -- I don't -- I've never understood that. And I think this is going to be a very interesting case for that reason. Because the First Amendment does not protect people from -- should protect speech that is designed to fleece hundreds of thousands of people of hundreds of billions of dollars. And that's essentially what happened here. They just -- they made lies saying they needed this money to -- to -- to -- to challenge election fraud, but they were the only ones that they were -- who were committing fraud. And they were committing fraud on all these people who sent in these checks thinking that they were somehow going to uncover fraud when everyone in the Trump campaign was telling the president of the United States that there's no there there."


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