
Geraldo Slams ‘Cynical, Selfish, Exploitative’ Jussie Smollett: He ‘Shamed the History’ of the Victims of Race Crimes

‘This is a cynical, selfish, exploitive young man’
By Grabien Staff


RIVERA: “First of all, I wanted to be on with two of my best friends you and professor Dershowitz. It’s an honor. I thought that the police superintendent in Chicago Eddie Johnson saved the reputation of the city. The same voice to the partisans on both sides in this troubling issue. I think we cannot lose sight of what this is. This is a cynical, selfish, exploitive young man who shamed the history of true victims of race crimes in this country by his cavalier staging of this event. It’s — it reminds me a lot of O.J. Simpson not as serious because no one died but the mountain of evidence against him and the bizarre nature of the partisans who are continuing to support him in the face of this mountain of evidence is similar. There is no logic to it. It’s infuriating. Smollett is going to get his just desserts. I think that people will abandon him eventually, but it is pretty clear from the evidence as we know it that this man sought to exploit the racial tensions in this country for his own financial gain. It’s disgusting. It’s the lowdown and dirty. I don’t think his career — what I would do or I him is just go to a tropical island, chill out for a couple of years and come back and crawl on your belly and apologize to the American people.”

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