
Gillibrand Dodges on if Hillary’s Time Has Passed

‘I think every woman should consider whether they want to run’
By Grabien Staff


KEILAR: “Hillary Clinton recently said she rejected the idea that it was an abusive power. It seemed very out of step with where the national democratic conversation is. Is that reason for why she should not run?"
GILLIBRAND: "I think every woman should consider whether they want to run. And there will be several, which is exciting."
KEILAR: "But what she said, is that what you could stand behind when you are considering a run? Or if you are not running, you are supporting candidates. I’m assuming that is not what you would want to hear your candidates?"
GILLIBRAND: "I think Secretary Clinton will make her on decision based on what she wants to do and what vision she wants to share with America. And I think there are many women who will look at what President Trump has done to this country, dividing us, tearing us apart really at the seams and destroying the line between what is right and what is wrong. I think women will feel called as to this moment, as to whether they need to run or share their vision for America."

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