
Gingrich: China Has Shifted ‘Dramatically’ on N. Korea and Trump ‘Gets Almost No Credit’

‘The Chinese moved 125,000 troops to the border and I think that the North Koreans have to feel increasingly isolated’
By Grabien Staff


GINGRICH: "First of all, I thought that the President was exactly right in the interview that he gave Ainsley and is doing it the right way. And he made the point, for example, about China. We have moved the Chinese, their visit in Mar-a-Lago, moved the Chinese dramatically and Trump gets almost no credit for how the big shift is. The Chinese have cut down on the amount of coal they’re buying from North Korea and they actually replaced it with American coal. That's the biggest single source of foreign exchange North Korea has. The Chinese have moved 125,000 troops to the border and I think that the North Koreans have to feel increasingly isolated."

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