
Gingrich: Mueller Has Brought in Lawyers Who Hid Evidence and Defended the Clinton Fdn. Against FOIA

‘He hid the evidence in Enron and four people who were innocent spent a year in jail’
By Grabien Staff


GINGRICH: Comey may be under investigation. If you have an obstruction case, Comey has got to be one of the major witnesses. So then I look at who Mueller — so I’m now curious. So I then look at who Mueller has hired. One of the lawyers he brought in has such a record of hiding evidence from the defense, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that when that lawyer participated in destroying Arthur Andersen, 85,000 jobs, that it wasn’t a crime.

But he hid the evidence. He hid the evidence in Enron and four people who were innocent spent a year in jail.

Now you bring in head-hunters like that, the first four people he brought in, one was a person who had defended the Clinton Foundation against Freedom of Information Act.

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