
Giordano: ‘The Life of Brian’ from Monty Python Has Become a Documentary, ‘That’s How Insane Things Have Become’

‘It was based on satire, today, it would be a documentary’
By Grabien Staff


GIORDANO: "No, you can’t make sense of the senseless. When we look at the Trudeau regime, you have the world burning, people’s lives are getting more difficult, but he has the solution: tampons in men’s bathrooms. However, Emily, I hate to break it to you, if you go down to the botanical gardens in Washington, D.C. and go into the men’s bathroom, there will be a sign saying tampons are available for men at the front desk."

AUSTIN: "So what if I go in there, because I'll identify for two minutes as a man, take all the tampons and give it back to my ladies?"

GIORDANO: "That’s the insanity of it! I mean, when we look at it, Monty Python did a skit, 'The Life of Brian,' over 40 years ago when Brian wanted to be a woman and it was based on satire. Today, that would be a documentary. That’s how insane things have become."

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