
Giuliani: Comey Leaked and Lied; He Should Be Prosecuted

‘He broke every rule’
By Grabien Staff


GIULIANI: “Jay Edgar Hoover put him aside, whatever he did, this guy, he broke every rule. If you look at the Horowitz report, he broke every rule of the FBI. Now, I think he should be prosecuted. If you — if you don’t think he should be prosecuted, okay. But for him to say I didn’t leak. The report demonstrates that he leaked. He’s completely lying today. I didn’t lie, the report demonstrates he lied. It just — they’re giving him a break. They’re basically saying, oh, you know, we shouldn’t prosecute, not enough evidence. But he lied, he leaked, he’s a disreputable head of the FBI. He’s a disgrace to the FBI. He used it for political purposes, the report demonstrates all of that.”

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