
Giuliani: I Have Uncovered Money Laundering in Ukraine Involving Biden

‘What I uncovered there are two major schemes, $147.5 billion, the other for $5 billion in money laundering’
By Grabien Staff


GIULIANI: “I forced her out because she was corrupt. I came back with a document that will show unequivocally that she committed perjury when she said she turned down the Visa for Mr. Chopin because of corruption. The fact is on the record in the State Department’s own record, the reason given is because he had an operation and have not recovered yet. The operation was of course two years before but documentary evidence she committed perjury. I have four witnesses who will testify that she personally turned down their Visas because they were going to come here and give evidence either against Biden were against the Democratic Party. There is no question that she was acting corruptly in that position and had to be removed. She should have been fired at the State Department were not part of the deep state.”

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