
Giuliani: If We Ever Get in Court with Comey ‘We’d Rip Him Apart’

‘How he can be put up as a model of credibility?’
By Grabien Staff


DOOCY: “Let’s talk a little bit about something else. James Comey, former FBI director. You are at loggerheads with him. Didn’t you hire him at some point?”
GIULIANI: “Did you have to say that? The president keeps saying that, didn’t you inflict this guy on us to begin with?”
DOOCY: “But you were saying he was a liar and essentially a terrible person.” [crosstalk]
GIULIANI: “He — a lot but a terrible person I think is he a liar. I mean, he — oh let’s say he lied. McCabe would tell you he lied. He’s number two guy.”
EARHARDT: “But it was proven McCabe lied. Four times, three times under oath.”
GIULIANI: “Right, and he lied three or four times. And also refuse to clear to say the president wasn’t a target when, in fact, he had done that to Hillary Clinton, completely botched the Clinton investigation. There is nobody that doesn’t think he — his handling that was disgraceful. Clinton investigation. Now how he can be put up as a model of credibility, I mean, they are dreaming, they think if he ever get in court we would rip him apart.”
KILMEADE: “So the one thing is, with McCabe has said is, I told Comey I’m going to talk to the ‘Wall Street Journal’ and tell the story. And they say they do that. And Comey says he’s never told me anything. So McCabe and Comey are at loggerheads now. That’s what this is —“ [crosstalk]
GIULIANI: “So I’m going to bet on that one McCabe is telling the truth. Why wouldn’t he go to his boss who is the leaker-in—chief.”
DOOCY: “Right.”
GIULIANI: “Right. Another — illegal by the way. I contend the only crimes committed so far in this investigation are the ones they committed. The government committed. Comey leaked no to get a special prosecutor. Why wouldn’t McCabe go to him and say —“
KILMEADE: “What did the president say —“
GIULIANI: “— can I do what did you, boss? Can I leak too, illegally and unethically.”



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