
‘Going to Bat for Gay:’ Fox News Plays a Montage of Media Defending Claudine Gay

‘There is this sort of open war on black progress’
By Grabien Staff


ENOS: “What happened to Claudine Gay was mob pressure.”

Reid: “There is this sort of open war on black progress, black history. Claudine Gay, the president of Harvard University, at least up until she resigned, is now the latest casualty of that.”

UNKNOWN: “There very much is a racial component.”

TAPPER: “I don’t think it’s fair to say all of her critics were racist, but certainly a few of them were.”

Sanders: “It looks as though she was targeted.”

GAY: “The fact that she’s a black woman and the first person who is a black American to lead Harvard, only added to their thirst to dethrone her.”

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