
Google’s DEI Leader Adriele Parker Is Very Upset that Parents Are Teaching Their Kids Not To Judge Others Based on Their Skin Color

‘Our broader society sees colour’
By Grabien Staff


PARKER: "In the year 2023, it also amazes me how many people are like, well, I don't see color, or it would be so much better if we just didn't worry about someone's skin tone. You as an individual are contributing to the problem because our broader society sees color, and it's not just physically seeing a color, there is so much more to it than just that. And if you don't understand that, you are again part of the problem. And it's just -- to keep telling people that over and over, it's so frustrating, and I was just on TikTok and there's a trend where parents are teaching their kids not to see 'color,' quote/unquote, and I'm like, OK, so the next round of people that are going to be joining our workforce, this next generation are going to be dealing with the same issues that we're dealing with now.”


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