
Graham Calls for Blowing up Iran’s Oil Refineries: They Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ for Hamas Attack

‘There will never be a two-state solution with my support till the Palestinians reject Hamas’
By Grabien Staff


GRAHAM: “Hamas could not have done this without Iranian support. The Iranians are very much involved in this operation, they’ve been involved in supporting terrorism for decades. And here’s what’s going to happen. As Israel goes in on the ground, the Iranians are going to threaten escalation, they’re going to start killing hostages, Hamas will, and Hezbollah will start attacking Israel from the north. When that happens, I’m hoping somebody will tell the ayatollah, 'We will hold you accountable for the escalation,' and blow up their source of revenue, destroy the Iranian oil refineries and oil production capabilities if Iran believes that they might restrain Hamas."

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