
Graham: In Trump’s Second Term ‘If You’re Here Illegally, You’re Going To Be Deported’

‘There’s going to be mass deportation under Donald Trump of people here in violation of the law who have received a final order of deportation’
By Grabien Staff


GRAHAM: "We need policy changes that address the pull factors. There's nothing irregular going on in the world. This was created by policy choices that created new pull factors. So, asylum reform, limitations on parole, re-invoking Title 42, I think would be enough to get it through the House. The policy changes have to be real. We have to start deporting people to slow down the inflow. If you see people leaving the country, people are less likely to show up at the border. So I'm urging the Biden administration — when Trump gets to be president, if he does, if you're here illegally, you're going to be deported. There's going to be mass deportation under Donald Trump of people here in violation of the law, who have received a final order of deportation. They're going to be going."

(Via Breitbart)

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