
Green New Deal Author Endorses Warren, Claims Rich People Created Climate Change to Hurt the Poor

‘I was poisoned’
By Grabien Staff


GUNN-WRIGHT: "I’m one of the architects of the Green New Deal. I grew up on the South side of Chicago in a neighborhood called Englewood and I grew up with asthma. I remember how hard my mom worked and how hard it would be for her to take off time because I was sick. I grew up and realized that a lot of my friends in the neighborhood also had asthma. It wasn’t natural. It wasn’t that I just had lungs that didn’t function the way they were supposed to. I was poisoned. The worst part about climate crisis is that it’s by design. We know that the odds are stacked in favor of folks who have money. The folks who feel climate change most keenly are by and large low-income people of color. Elizabeth Warren understands that and understands that that is part of the problem that we have to tackle.”

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