
Gutfeld: ‘Eerie Coincidence,’ Derek Chauvin Gets Stabbed as New Documentary Examining Arrest Could Expose Big Lies

‘Let’s do a quick recap of the facts’
By Grabien Staff


GUTFELD: "So let’s talk about Derek Chauvin. You remember the Minneapolis cop convicted of killing George Floyd? Chauvin was just stabbed in federal prison, likely by some inmate wanting to gain street cred with his cell block or MSNBC. Now I'm not easy to shock — you're talking to a guy, after all, who once saw Cavuto without makeup — but what an eerie coincidence that Chauvin gets stabbed just as a new documentary examines his arrest and prosecution comes out. And the documentary makes some amazing claims and, if they are accurate, could expose a pretty big lie; a lie that cost lives, including black ones, and billions of dollars in damages. It’s at the heart of the breakdown of law and order and the reason why drugstore deodorant is locked up, but criminals are as free as a bag of coke in the West Wing.”

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