
Hagar Chemali on the Israeli Assault on Gaza: This One Will Be the ‘Most Devastating and the Most Ruthless’

‘The reason is for how this attack happened, and the fact that they’ve taken prisoners of war and hostages’
By Grabien Staff


CHEMALI: "Gaza is the size of Washington, D.C., times two. To Washington D.C.’s. That is very small. It is not like they can pour into Egypt, or pour into Israel, which are the only sides they can go. It is very difficult. That said, that is likely what I expect to happen. And I do expect when Israel is issuing these warnings, in the past, Israel has been extremely brutal in its response when they are faced with terrorist attacks or any kind of attacks from Hamas or other militants. But this one will be, I expected to be the most devastating, and the most ruthless. And the reason is for how this attack happened, and the fact that they’ve taken prisoners of war and hostages."

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