
Hakeem Jeffries: RFK Jr. ‘Is a Living, Breathing False-Flag Operation’

‘His whole campaign is being run by right-wing political operatives who have one objective: try to take down President Joe Biden’
By Grabien Staff


JEFFRIES: “Why would you give Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a congressional platform to spew his hatred? Here's the answer. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a living, breathing, false-flag operation. His whole campaign is being run by right-wing political operatives who have one objective, try to take down President Joe Biden. That's why Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was given a congressional platform on this week of all weeks, because of my extreme MAGA Republican colleagues are really not interested in doing anything meaningful to improve the economy, address inflation, create jobs, or deal with public safety concerns, particularly around the gun violence epidemic that are afflicting the American people.”


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