
Haley on Trump’s Claim He’d End Ukraine War in 24 Hours: ‘It’s Ridiculous’

‘He says these crazy things’
By Grabien Staff


HALEY: “I think it’s ridiculous. He knows that he can’t end the war in a day. Everybody else knows he can’t end the war in a day. He says these crazy things. It’s not true. We’ve got a realistic situation on our hands. The way we end the war is to get Putin out. It’s not to appease Putin. The way we end the war is to be strong and work on our alliance. When I worked on dealing with Iran at the United Nations, or when we focused on dealing with Russia, with Syria, when we had to negotiate with the Security Council and getting the largest sanctions against a country in a generation, with North Korea, we didn’t do it from a point of weakness. We did it with a point of strength.”

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