
Hannity Makes It Clear ‘Nobody’s Going to Defend’ Trump’s Comments on Women

‘Nobody’s going to defend this’
By Grabien Staff

Hannity Makes It Clear That ‘Nobody’s Going to Defend’ Trump’s Leaked Comments on Women (Mediaite)

Tonight on Fox News, even Sean Hannity couldn’t defend Donald Trump after hearing the leaked audio of what he said about women in 2005. That’s saying something since he publicly called out his own colleague Megyn Kelly for not supporting Trump only two days ago. (Note, however, that fellow Fox News host Bill O’Reilly did find a wayto defend Trump.)

He invited Jeanine Pirro and Monica Crowley onto his show tonight to talk about the leak.

He kept reminding his guests that he only wanted to focus on Trump, but he had footage of Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill Clinton of rape, ready to go anyway and eventually, the conversation moved to the Clintons.


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