
Hanson on Media Reaction to Trump Nuke Tweet: They Hate He’s Made Them ‘Irrelevant’

‘I think the problem is Trump now has a direct line to the American public without the filter of a mostly unfriendly media’
By Grabien Staff


HENRY: "Are they overreacting to discuss. Vice president at the center for security policy Jim Hanson. Good morning good to see. What’s your reaction to people in mainstream media basically saying Donald Trump is not allowed to use the social media tool?"
HANSON: "I think the problem is Trump now has a direct line to the American public without the filter of a mostly unfriendly media and they hate that he has made them largely irrelevant. In this case, Putin started it by talking about Russia making major upgrades to their nuclear capabilities. Now, instead of rolling over and showing his belly, trump responds directly and shows Putin and the rest of the world’s tyrants that he is not going to take it I think it was hugely effective."

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