
Harry Enten: Look at the 30 Point Margin of Trump Against Biden on Immigration

‘So you might think that Hispanic voters might be the types of folks who would have a backlash against Donald Trump‘s remarks’
By Grabien Staff


ENTEN: "Yeah, so, obviously, we have a presidential race coming up and this has obviously become a political football, right? And this is one of the trend lines that I think really tells the story that is the difference between this election and the 2020 election. So, if you ask voters, who do you think would do a better job handling border security and immigration, what do we see? We see that back in 2020, it was basically a dead even split, right? Joe Biden was slightly favored, but not overwhelmingly. And of course, he has slightly won the election, not overwhelmingly so. Look at where we are today. In a Marquette University Law School poll that was put out last month, look at that advantage that Joe Biden has on — excuse me, that Donald Trump has on immigration and border security. It's near 30 points. This is a tremendous change that's going on and it's no wonder that Donald Trump is running on immigration. And he's not just running on it in the Republican primary, he's running on it in the general election. And I also think that's why there hasn't been quite the backlash that you might expect over Trump's comments, some of which I, of course, wouldn't make, and it is because that voters at this particular point are quite concerned about immigration and they trust Donald Trump on this particular issue."

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