
Harvey Levin: Weinstein Had a Clause in His Contract that Allowed for Sexual Harassment

‘Here’s what we know — ‘
By Grabien Staff

LEVIN: "Let me explain it to you. The Weinstein company allows for sexual harassment under the contract it signed with Harvey Weinstein. Here’s what we know. In October of 2015, Harvey Weinstein signed a new contract with them, and under the contract, it says that if Harvey Weinstein gets sued for sexual harassment or any other kind of misdeed in the company has to pay the judgment or a settlement settlement, Harvey Weinstein can make everything good by doing two things. Number one, he has to pay the company back for what it paid the victim. Number two, Harvey has to pay a fine, and the way the fine is structured, the first time he has to pay a settlement, the first time the company has to pay, Harvey has to pay $250,000 fine. For the second judgment or settlement, he has to pay $500,000 settlement. For the third, at $750,000. For the fourth or any number thereafter, he has to pay a million dollars each time the company has to pay a settlement or judgment for any kind of sexual harassment."

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