
Herman on Mistrial in Bill Cosby Case: ‘This Was a Politically Motivated Prosecution’

‘He never looked at the case like a true district attorney’
By Grabien Staff

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STEELE: "We will evaluate and review our case. We will take a hard look at everything involved. And then we will retry it. As I said in court, our plan is to move this case forward as soon as possible."
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WHITFIELD: "So, Richard, would he stand a better chance to retry?"
HERMAN: "Not necessarily, Fred. He never looked at the case like a true district attorney. This was a politically motivated prosecution. The prior district attorney made a determination he could not get a conviction and they did not allow miss constand to be the witness in criminal charges against Mr. Cosby although that D.A. Encouraged her to bring a civil litigation where the burden of proof is less. This district attorney ran on a platform of indicting and prosecuting Mr. Cosby and won, maybe on that provision alone, and he tries the litigation on facts and circumstances that took place 14 years ago where people have to testify to what happened then and after. There's a lot of contradiction in testimony and statements that were given and the problem with the retrial here, Fred, is the problem they had during this trial, miss constand had a relationship with Mr. Cosby. She had some 72 phone calls with him before the event took place."

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