
Hillary: ‘Misogyny, Pure and Simple’ Was Directed at Greta Thunberg

‘I understand that we’re still fighting over climate change’
By Grabien Staff


CLINTON:  "I was so appalled to read about a sticker that had been made depicting Greta Thunberg, the young woman who has been trying to sound the alarm about climate change, being literally subjected to sexual assault, a sticker that was being passed out at a company that is involved in the oil industry in some way. Now, look, I — I understand that we’re still fighting over climate change, although that seems somewhat absurd to me, but to find by objectifying and having a picture that demonstrated a level of violence towards this young 16-year-old girl who has every right in the world to stand up and say, you know, world, you’re not doing what needs to be done, that’s misogynistic. That’s not — I don’t agree with her — I don’t know why she has a big platform. I want a big platform, you know, to repudiate that. Instead it’s like let’s show her being assaulted. That’s misogyny, pure and simple.

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