
Hilton: Teacher’s Unions Once Again Hold America’s Children Hostage with Threats of School Closures

‘Unless their preposterous pandemic demands are met’
By Grabien Staff


HILTON: "This week, as parents across the country protest cruel, scientifically illiterate mask mandates for kids, Biden's hapless education secretary Miguel Cardona threatens school closures in response, and Biden himself weighed in against kids, against parents and against science. In Rhode Island, the teachers union is suing a parent for the crime of trying to find out exactly what kind of woke poison the schools are spewing into the mind of our children, all while the unions once again hold America’s children hostage with threats to close schools unless their preposterous pandemic demands are met. What does all this show? That people who should have the power when it comes to education, parents, have had it taken away by an unholy alliance of the teachers' unions and the education bureaucracy.”

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