
Hoekstra: ‘Very Healthy’ for Trump and Intel Community To Be ‘Skeptical’ of Russian Hacking

‘— And put pressure on the intelligence community to make sure that they put forward great information’
By Grabien Staff

Trump Adviser: I Think It’s ‘Very Healthy’ For Trump to be ‘Skeptical’ of Intelligence Community (Mediaite)

During an appearance on CNN’s New Day this morning, former Republican Congressman and current Trump adviser Pete Hoekstra downplayed President-elect Donald Trump’s reluctance to accept intelligence assessments that Russia was involved in hacking the election.

Speaking to co-host Don Lemon, Hoekstra answered a question about Trump distancing himself from President Barack Obama’s plans to punish Russia — Obama would impose the sanctions later in the day — by stating that he himself would like a “clearer definition” from the intelligence community over what Russia did.

When Lemon pressed him on whether it was smart for Trump to be “second-guessing” intelligence agencies considering he has to work with them, Hoekstra claimed it was healthy for him to do so.

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