
Del. Holmes Norton: Many Women May Not Even Understand What Unwelcome Advances Are

‘And that they don’t have to welcome them, or they can turn them away, or they can say, you know, you’re not supposed to do this, and that might stop some men
By Grabien Staff

STEPHANOPOULOS: Congresswoman Holmes Norton, I think that did surprise a lot of people. Now, we’re not sure how many of those settlements were actually about sexual harassment, but millions paid out over the last 20 years in secret.

NORTON: All settlements are secret, and that’s typical of the system. But, look, there wasn’t even the kind of training — training is the wrong word for it, exposure to what sexual harassment is that is required in the federal sector and the private sector, that 30 minute video and let you know what sexual harassment is. We weren’t required to do that.

I sent a letter and asked members to join me in sending a letter saying we don’t have to wait for congress to say everybody, every member of congress and every staff member has to look at this video because, George, I am convinced that many women even may not understand what some unwelcome advances are. And that they don’t have to welcome them, or they can turn them away, or they can say, you know, you’re not supposed to do this, and that might stop some men.

But, at the very least, congress has to be put on the same footing as the other branches of government, and as the private sector.

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