
Howard Stern Says Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock Because ‘Will Smith and Trump Are The Same Guy’

‘Not one person came out, because he’s Will Smith, this is how Trump gets away with shit’
By Grabien Staff

(Via Mediaite)

Howard Stern has compared actor Will Smith‘s explosive meltdown at Sunday’s Oscars to the behavior of former President Donald Trump.

In a commentary during his show Monday about Smith slapping Chris Rock across the face, Stern said, “He opened hand with a lot of force, smacks him right in the mouth on TV. Now the first thing I said to myself was ‘what the fuck is going on, is this a bit?’ because where is security? This is a live television event!”

“Not one person came out, because he’s Will Smith, this is how Trump gets away with shit. Will Smith and Trump are the same guy. He decided he’s going to take matters into his own hands. At a time when the world is at war. Bad timing, man. Calm your fucking ass down,” Stern said during his SiriusXM show.

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