
Huckabee: Journalists Are the ‘Enemy of the People’

‘If we had a decent media, if we had a media that did its job of true journalism, you would have people asking the hard questions, demanding the answers, but we don’t have it’
By Grabien Staff


HUCKABEE: "There are two big fall ours going on. One is the department of justice and the FBI. The government is not doing the job it’s supposed to do to hold accountable to people who abuse their position and use their government-funded taxpayer jobs to weaponize a particular party in Canada. The second, we have a media that is absolutely so in their disgust and hatred of Donald Trump that they refuse to look at what ought to be something that mission them want to gag every day at the cover-up of the highest levels of government. If we had a decent media, if we had a media that did its job of true journalism, you would have people asking the shard questions, demanding the answers, but we don’t have it. When the president talks about journalists being the enemy of the people, they are."

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