
IDF Spokesperson: ‘This Is Our 9/11,’ ‘We’re Going to Respond Very Severely’

‘They didn’t go for military targets’
By Grabien Staff


HECHT: “This event is still unfolding. The numbers are unprecedented. We are going to respond very, very severely to this in the upcoming days. It's going to be a long round. We are going to do whatever is needed. This style of attack is barbaric, I mean, the visuals are ISIL visuals. In a way, this is our 9/11. This is our 9/11 and, you know, even more than that, I mean, it wasn’t crashing into a building, it's also mutilating and attacking a party that was happening around the Gaza Strip, nature party, attacking civilians, kidnapping a grandmother. A lot of my friends, a lot of our — everybody nearly in Israel is affected by this, by someone they know, missing people, soldiers that have been killed. There has been real stories of heroes that engaged with terrorists. We’re gonna respond very, very severely to this. And this was against international law. This is against Islam. Hurting children, I mean, it's just hard to comprehend. I mean, it makes us all sick.”

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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