
Ingraham on Conn. Dem Primary Overturned Due to Voter Fraud: ‘This Is Another MAGA Conspiracy Theory, Right?’

‘A primary redo is very tricky because general election is on Tuesday’
By Grabien Staff


INGRAHAM: “There is no such thing as voter fraud, nothing. Another MAGA conspiracy theory, right? Well, one primary race in Connecticut was so rife with fraud, that the results have been overturned by a judge after shocking new video surfaced of what appears to be multiple people stuffing absentee ballots into collection boxes. A judge ruling that the bridgeport mayoral Democrat primary has to be held again to determine who should be on the ballot. Now, incumbent mayor Joe gannon defeated John gomez by just 251 votes. But a primary redo is very tricky because general election is on Tuesday which means voters may have to come back after they vote in the primary to vote on the rightful Democrat nominee if they even know who it is then. Joining David heard mayor Connecticut g.o.p. chair. Caved, both of those men are still on the ballot since gomez was running now as an independent. Does that change your campaign here but I want to get to this fraud issue as well.”

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