
‘It’s Total Politics!’ Jim Jordan Slams Wray over FBI Memo Targeting ‘Radical’ Catholics

‘It’s politics, that’s the motivation’
By Grabien Staff


JORDAN: "Well, I don’t need an internal review. I can read the document. I assume you can do the same, because it says right there on the same page: 'Richmond assesses extremist interests in radical-traditional Catholics is likely to increase over the next 12 to 24 months, in the run-up to the next general election.' Same paragraph: 'Events in which extremists and radical-traditional Catholics might have common cause include legislation, judicial decisions in such areas as abortion rights, immigration, affirmative action and LGBTQ protections.' It’s politics, that’s the motivation. In the run-up to the next election, and they talk about the border, affirmative action and abortion rights, it’s total politics. I mean, I think it’s interesting that affirmative -- we just got a decision from a bunch of Catholics who sit on the United States Supreme Court relative to affirmative action. Politics was the total motivation here and that’s what’s scary. That’s what I think is so frightening and why we — why we — how this happens, I don’t know. And five people signed off on it. Five people, including the chief division council at the Richmond field office. I'd like to talk to this lawyer in. A lot of people in this room went to law school, you get a course on the Constitution that talks about the First Amendment. I find that really scary."

(Via Breitbart)

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