
Jack Keane on Hezbollah’s Threats to Escalate the War with Israel: I Think He Has a Certain Reluctancy

‘Unless he’s pushed by Iran to commit’
By Grabien Staff

KEANE: "Yeah. A couple of things well certainly it was a fiery speech talking about the success of the lebanon Beirut operation with a blew up our tour of our embassy and and we did pull our troops out as a result of that. I’m not here to relitigate that. And totally takes that as success and then all of the other proxy things that have happened that Iran has organized in the Middle East. Are successful from their perspective but I think he has a certain reluctance that 2006 war with the Israelis have much as Israelis left with a tale between their legs all of the service were fired the impact on lebanon was significant. They truly haven’t recovered from that economically. I doubt seriously based on his tone that he’s reluctant to really expand war beyond a limited military operations he’s doing at the board unless he’s pushed by Iran to commit. Because of this success that the military operation in Gaza is unfolding."

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