
Jack Keane on Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Against Russia: ‘Progress Is Finally Being Made’

‘What they are doing now is attempting to get through the secondary defenses and then exploit that penetration’
By Grabien Staff

KEANE: "On the ground in Ukraine, Bret, the Ukrainians, in the last several days, have made the first breakthrough of the main defense of the Russians. This is something they have been working very hard at taking casualties, certainly trying to do that. And that is significant. And what they are doing now is attempting to get through the secondary defenses and then exploit that penetration with forces that are uncommitted. In other words, they haven’t been in the fight. And this is classic mechanized warfare and how to cope with a prepared defense what the Russians have thrown in front of them so, yes, progress is finally being made and it’s been challenging, to say the least, because of the Russians formidable obstacles that they put in the Ukrainians' path."

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